A Few Words

About Us


La Leche League's Purpose

La Leche League was founded to give information and encouragement, mainly through personal help, to all who want to breastfeed their babies. While complementing the care of the physician and other health care professionals, it recognizes the unique importance of one parent helping another to perceive the needs of their child and to learn the best means of fulfilling those needs.

LLL believes that breastfeeding, with its many important physical and psychological advantages, is best for baby and is the ideal way to initiate good parent-child relationships. The loving help and support of their partner enables the breastfeeding parent to focus on nurturing their newborn so that together the parents develop close relationships which strengthen the family and thus the whole fabric of society.

The League’s purpose is distinct. This singleness of purpose does not prevent interaction with other organizations with compatible purposes, but La Leche League will carefully guard against allying itself with another cause, however worthwhile that cause may be.

(From La Leche League Purpose and Philosophy, LLLI Publication No. 300-17)

What to Expect at LLL Meetings

At La Leche League, we offer you the support you need to breastfeed your baby.  Our meetings are informal and focus on parent-to-parent support, with parents sharing their experiences and what works for them and the Leader providing the information and philosophy from their La Leche League training. All breastfeeding questions and concerns are welcome at every meeting, regardless of the meeting topic. If you have a question or concern that cannot wait until the next La Leche League meeting, feel free to reach your La Leche League Leader with the contacts they make available, typically phone and email. Our meetings are offered free of charge, although memberships are sold and donations are accepted to help support the local Group and the work of La Leche League. We welcome all parents interested in breastfeeding their babies, whether they are new parents, experienced parents, pregnant, or even just considering parenthood. In addition, La Leche League Groups usually maintain a lending library on a variety of breastfeeding and parenting topics which is made available to La Leche League members.

How Breastfeeding Benefits Mothers' Health

Chance of mother developing hypertension (compared to 42.1%)
42.1 %
less chance of developing cardiovascular disease to those who don't breastfeed
0 %
those who breastfeed have a 4.3% drop in their risk of developing breast cancer
0 %
less risk of developing ovarian cancer compared to those who never breastfeed
0 x


We encourage you to become a member of La Leche League, although membership is not required to attend meetings or receive breastfeeding help from a Leader.

Your $25 annual membership fee helps support La Leche League on both the local and international levels and enables us to continue our mission of providing information and encouragement for breastfeeding women around the world.  

Please click the button below to contact our Treasurers Anne and Kara. Please be ready to provide your full name and email address.