Welcome to
La Leche League of the Treasure Coast
La Leche League (LLL) is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to parents who want to breastfeed. All parents interested in breastfeeding their babies are welcome to attend the monthly Group Meetings or call a La Leche League Leader for breastfeeding help. All La Leche League Areas and Groups uphold the same LLL mission, purpose and philosophy to serve breastfeeding families.

Every first Thursday of the month we meet in-person at Abundant Life Birth Center in Stuart, FL at 11AM.
Every first Saturday of the month we meet in-person at the Paula Lewis Library in Port Saint Lucie, FL at 10AM.

At La Leche League, we offer you the support you need to breastfeed your baby.
Our meetings are informal and focus on parent-to-parent support, with parents sharing their experiences and what works for them and the Leader providing the information and philosophy from their La Leche League training. All breastfeeding questions and concerns are welcome at every meeting, regardless of the meeting topic.
Our Meetings
Topics Covered During Meetings
The importance and value of breastfeeding along with breastfeeding basics and how to overcome/avoid difficulties
Going over nutrition, how to start solids, and weaning
The benefits on breastfeeding and general parenting tips
From its humble origin of two friends breastfeeding at a picnic in 1956...
La Leche League has grown into an international, non-profit organization dedicated to helping everyone who wants to breastfeed their baby.
All La Leche League Leaders have breastfed their own babies and have gone through an accreditation process to equip them to help other parents breastfeed successfully and to lead the parent-to-parent support group meetings that La Leche League offers.